Dealing With Dental Emergencies

A crown pops off while eating teriyaki for lunch at the mall food court. Do you rush to the 24-hour dentist or wait until you can get an appointment with your regular dentist? Many dental issues can wait for a day or two, but some require immediate attention to prevent losing a tooth. Here are the common dental mishaps and how you might choose to handle them. 1. Chipped Tooth

Ask Your Dentist: Can Banana Peel Whiten Your Teeth?

Americans love to bleach or whiten their teeth. In fact, people in the United States spend more than $1.4 billion every year on over-the-counter whitening products. As such, it's unsurprising that a lot of people are constantly looking for the next big thing in tooth bleaching – and some people think they have found it in a banana skin. Learn more about the effects a banana can have on your teeth, and find out if a banana peel really can help you get a whiter smile.

A Little Dab'll Do Ya: Why Dental Bonding May Be All You Need For The Attention You Desire

A commercial from the 1950s for a men's hair product used the tagline, "A little dab'll do ya," to describe the happy effect of the product on one's life. It promised the affectionate attention of women who were attracted to smooth, orderly hair. You may be getting the wrong kind of attention in your life right now because you have some teeth that are chipped or cracked. Maybe you see polite repulsion in co-workers, friends, and people to whom you flash a discolored smile when you pass on the street.

Dos And Don'Ts Of Using Rubber Bands To Close A Tooth Gap

If your teeth are generally straight and properly placed in your mouth, but there is a gap between your front teeth, you may not need a whole set of braces to correct it. An alternative solution, which dentists recommend for some patients, is using a simple system of rubber bands to push the two front teeth closer together. If you think this solution might be right for you, follow these dos and don'ts to ensure its success.

4 Oral Problems Tongue Piercings Can Lead To

Tongue piercings tend to popular with teens, and many teens choose to get them simply because of the way they look or the message they convey. Tongue rings can be safe, but they can also lead to dental problems. If you have a tongue ring, you should realize the inherent risks you are taking by having this jewelry in your mouth. You could end up with a problem that requires emergency dental care.

5 Reasons You May Choose Veneers Over Bleaching

Many Americans want a whiter smile. If you are one of them, your first choice may be bleaching. While bleaching is well-known and you might think of it as a simple and quick way to get your teeth whiter, there are several reasons you may want to consider veneers instead.  Veneers Last Longer Porcelain veneers tend to last between5-10 years. Since porcelain is a strong material, the veneers may last longer than 10 years, but usually, your gums surrounding the veneers, or the bonding agents, will have shifted, and the veneers will need to be replaced.

Can A Root Canal Treatment Cause Sinus Problems?

Around 15 million people have a root canal treatment every year. Most people undergo this treatment without any side effects, but that doesn't stop patients from worrying about possible complications. Some people believe that root canal treatment is dangerous because it can cause problems with your sinuses. Learn more about the way your sinuses work, and find out if root canal treatment can cause sinus-related problems. How sinuses work When doctors and dentists refer to your sinuses, they're usually talking about the paranasal sinuses in your face.

3 Ways Your Dentist Ensures The Beauty Of Your Dental Crown

Cosmetic dentists work with people on a regular basis to help brighten their smiles. Laser tooth whitening, veneer bonding, and the use of clear braces are several ways the professional will beautify the teeth. Cracked and broken teeth require a little bit more assistance from a dentist in the form of crown adhesion. When a crown is placed for beautification purposes, then your dentist will work hard to make sure that it looks as natural as possible in your mouth.

What You Should Know About Getting Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a great way to improve the functionality and appearance of your smile. Whether you're considering a single dental crown or an entire full mouth restoration, dental crowns are a great solution, especially if you have weak teeth. Check out these five important facts to know when you're considering dental crowns. Different Materials Have Different Benefits The most common types of crowns include metal, porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal. Metal crowns are more durable and less likely to break than porcelain and porcelain-fused-to-metal, but they are unattractive.

Unprecedented Dental Benefits Are There--Use Them

For years, the cry of the country has been that severe inequalities existed regarding access to dental care. Specifically, low-income families experienced greater dental decay and associated oral problems because they did not have dental insurance. Many children received inconsistent care through occasional visits to low-cost community clinics, dental colleges, and mobile screenings offered at public schools. However, according to a report released in March 2015, more people than ever before now have access to dental services through a combined federal-state program called CHIP (Childrens Health Insurance Program).