The Right Way To Use Your Electric Toothbrush

Have you switched to using an electric toothbrush because of how much better it can brush your teeth? If so, know that there is a bit more to it than simply owning an electric toothbrush and moving it against your teeth. Here are some tips for using your electric toothbrush. Glide The Brush Along The Gums One of the big mistakes that people make when using an electric toothbrush is using it just like a normal toothbrush.

Drugs That Can Impair Your Oral Health

The next time you visit your general dentist, they will examine your mouth for signs of dental decay, abnormal tissue, and gum disease. While cavities and gum disease are frequently the result of poor oral hygiene, other factors may play an important role. Here are some drugs that may affect your oral health and what your general dentist can do about them. Anticonvulsant Drugs Phenytoin is a drug that is used to treat seizure disorders such as epilepsy.

Dental Implants Can Help Those with Teeth Damaged by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Losing wisdom teeth is often a part of growing up for many people but can be an issue if they impact with other teeth during growth and cause damage. As a result, it is important to consider how dental implants help with this issue.  Why Impacted Wisdom Teeth May Cause Broader Tooth Loss As a person ages and their wisdom teeth start to grow into place, there's a good chance that they'll have to have them removed.