What You Should Know About Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are essentially tooth-shaped caps that are placed over a tooth in order to change its size, shape, and appearance. Crowns are a great way to restore teeth that are broken or worn down, decayed, or that are weak. Crowns are also used to cover dental implants and to hold dental bridges in place. Considering that around 91 percent of American adults have at least some tooth decay, a dental crown is something that you may find yourself needing at some point in the future. [Read More]

Mouth Full Of Missing Teeth? Two Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Implants

When you have a great smile it's normal to want to show it off to everyone that you meet. A megawatt grin always makes a great impression and it feels good to know that you can open your mouth and talk with others without feeling judged because you have an imperfect smile. However, not everyone has the good fortune of having all of their teeth, and if you fall into this category you need to know that you have options. [Read More]

Thinking About Switching To Full Dentures To Replace Missing Teeth? Here's Why Seniors Should Consider Dental Implants Instead

Having your teeth removed and making the switch to dentures was once a rite of passage for senior citizens. Many who had suffered through toothaches, chipped teeth, and missing teeth were relieved to have a full, comfortable smile again. However, there's another option to replace your lost teeth that you should know about before making the switch to dentures: dental implants. Dental implants are porcelain crowns that are attached to a titanium rod connected directly to your jawbone. [Read More]

Are Over-The-Counter Whitening Toothpastes Worth It?

Yellow teeth aren't necessarily unhealthy teeth, but a bright white smile is now seen as indispensable by many people. You can get very good results in a short time by going to your dentist's office for a professional whitening treatment. However, the easy access to whitening toothpastes makes those a tempting option, too. Before you grab one of those tubes, though, you need to know whether they're worth your money and time. [Read More]