2 Tips That Can Help You Recover From A Root Canal

A root canal is a very common dental procedure that requires that the infection within a damaged tooth and the pulp be completely cleaned out and sealed in order to protect the rest of your teeth and your overall oral health. You will often need a root canal after a severe impact on your face or if you have a broken or cracked tooth that has allowed infection and bacteria to get into the tooth. [Read More]

Caffeine: No Friend to Your Teeth

Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system that many people rely on to boost their energy. But caffeine has multiple effects on the body, and while it offers some health benefits, some of the side effects are detrimental. Among the side effects are those that affect dental health. Consequently, beverages that contain caffeine are bad for your teeth in several ways, including leading to stains and cavities. Stains [Read More]

It's Never Too Late To Get A Whiter Smile

If your smile is not as white as you wish, do something about it. Whether you have your own teeth or wear dentures, there are some simple habits that can improve, whiten, and brighten your smile. To whiten your teeth, try these suggestions: Check your kitchen pantry. Sprinkle a little baking soda on your toothbrush every couple days. However, due to the corrosive nature of baking soda, use gentle circular swipes instead of scrubbing the soda against the tooth enamel. [Read More]

The Popcorn Test: What A Bag Of Popcorn Can Tell You About Your Oral Health

Whether you're going out to a movie theater or making up a bag at home, popcorn is a fun treat to eat. It might surprise you to learn that a simple bag of popcorn doesn't just taste good, but it can also help you to evaluate your oral health. Read on to learn some of the common problems you can detect just by eating a bag of popcorn. Kernels Between Teeth and Bleeding Gums [Read More]