Avoiding Dry Socket In The Days Following Your Wisdom Tooth Removal

In the days after having a wisdom tooth removal, you might be looking forward to eating regular foods again and feeling relief from the pain that the procedure left behind. However, you've got one more consideration: ensuring that you don't get so-called "dry socket." After the tooth is taken out of your mouth, a blood clot will naturally be able to form in the area and that will protect the tissues in the area as they heal. [Read More]

When Root Canals Fail: Why It Happens And What To Do

When your dentist tells you that you need to have a root canal, it's natural to wonder about the outcomes of the procedure. What happens if the root canal fails? The first thing that you need to know is that the chances are excellent that your root canal will not fail. The root canal procedure is successful more than 95% of the time. However, it can still help to know why a root canal might fail and what you can do about it if that happens. [Read More]

Cosmetic Bonding: Something To Smile About

When it comes to increasing your self-confidence and improving the first impression that you make on those around you, improving the quality of your smile can be beneficial. Without a healthy and attractive smile, you may find it challenging to put your best foot forward in social situations. Cosmetic bonding can provide you with a simple and effective solution to correct imperfections in your smile. Here are three ways that cosmetic bonding can help you improve the aesthetic of your smile in the future. [Read More]

3 Options For Fixing Food Traps

When food constantly gets trapped between the same two teeth in your mouth, it is something dentists call a food trap. A food trap occurs when two teeth do not have enough contact with each other. This creates a gap that is too big, and it tends to be a place food gets stuck, especially meat. If you find that you must floss after eating, simply because of this food trap, you should talk to your dentist about your options for fixing the problem. [Read More]