5 Dental Services You May Need From Your General Dentist

You'll need dental services throughout your lifetime if you want to keep your teeth healthy and avoid having toothaches. If you do a good job of brushing and flossing, you might avoid serious dental problems. However, if you develop a cavity or other type of dental condition, early treatment can save you from pain and more expensive treatments later on. Here are five common dental services you may need. 1. Fillings  [Read More]

Does Dental Implant Surgery Always Require Drilling?

There are a lot of advantages to getting dental implants over other kinds of teeth replacement methods. However, with dental implants requiring surgical insertion, some people may feel anxious about the procedure and what it does. For example, you might be worried about the idea of your jaw being drilled into. If you're worried about this, here's a look at why this procedure is part of the surgery, and a look at whether you'll need it or not. [Read More]

Three Reasons Professional Teeth Whitening Might Be Best For You

Teeth whitening is something you might be having done regularly. Your teeth get stained over time just from regular use. Plus, things like smoking and eating certain foods known to stain teeth can cause you to need them whitened more frequently. While you can purchase teeth whitening products in stores and online that allow you to whiten your own teeth at home, it's better to have them whitened at the dental office. [Read More]

5 Common Misconceptions About Visiting The Dentist

No matter how old you are, it is important to make your dental health a top priority. Otherwise, you could increase your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other problems. Besides regular brushing and flossing, make it a point to visit the dentist regularly for checkups.  Here are common misconceptions about visiting the dentist that you shouldn't believe. Your Dentist Will Pass Judgment Unfortunately, some people are reluctant to see a dentist because they're afraid of being judged. [Read More]