Why Your Child May Need General Anesthesia During Dental Treatment And Precautions To Take

Children are rarely subjected to general anesthesia during dental treatment, but there are cases in which the sedation may be necessary. Here are some of these cases: The Child Is Very Young Very young kids, such as infants, may not respond well to instructions during dental treatment. In fact, an infant may not even understand your or the dentist's instructions. As such, you don't expect them to be cooperative during dental treatment, and the best alternative is to have them sedated. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Get Braces As A Teen... Even When Your Teeth Aren't That Bad

There are people who definitely need braces because their teeth are badly misaligned. Then, there are people whose teeth are just a bit crooked and may be able to get by without braces. If you fall into the latter category, you might be considering doing without braces. After all, you don't want people to focus on your braces at school, and you don't want to deal with the pain braces cause. [Read More]

2 Home Remedies For Keeping Your Impacted Wisdom Tooth's Symptoms In Check

If your impacted wisdom tooth is inflaming your gums and causing you pain, you may wonder if there is anything you can do at home to help reduce the symptoms. If so, use one or both of the following home remedies to help keep your symptoms in check until you can see an oral surgeon. Cold Salt and Peppermint Tea Bag Compress This first home remedy for alleviating the symptoms caused by your impacted wisdom tooth combines the cleansing ability of salt with the pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint. [Read More]

Two Cosmetic Applications to Correct Your Dental Blemishes

If you want to significantly transform the appearance of your teeth, there are multiple cosmetic dental applications that may be able to help. Here are two of them.  1. Dental Veneers Dental veneers are used to conceal dental imperfections. The devices, which are thin porcelain or resin shells, are shaped like your teeth. Thus, when a veneer is applied, your smile looks natural but cosmetically perfect. Veneers can be used to correct a wide variety of cosmetic dental issues. [Read More]